List of famous railway and subway stations with maps and coordinates

List of Stations

Sheela / Where Is?
This is the list of famous rail and subway stations with their exact locations on the map. Every station in this list is provided with its coordinates, an image and a short description. On our pages you'll find the most famous places in the World, with exact maps and coordinates.

  • Grand Central Terminal
    Grand Central Terminal of New York is located in Midtown Manhattan.
  • Keleti Station
    Budapest Keleti Station is located in the eastern part of the city, on Baross Square.
  • LA Union Station
    LA Union Station is located in downtown Los Angeles, and the exact address is 800 N Alameda Street.
  • Moynihan Train Hall
    Moynihan Train Hall is located near the famous Penn station, at 421 8th Avenue, New York City.
  • Sunset Park
    Sunset Park is located in Brooklyn, NYC.

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